Honoring Heroes: A Tribute to Leaders in the Fight Against Gun Violence Queensborough President State of The Borough Address

At the State of the Borough Address, Queensborough President Donovan Richards honored the real heroes fighting gun violence. In the relentless battle against gun violence, heroes emerge—individuals who dedicate their lives to saving others, advocating for change, and building safer, more resilient communities. Today, he paid tribute to these remarkable leaders whose unwavering commitment and tireless efforts inspire us all.

For many, the fight against gun violence is not just a cause—it's personal. As someone who has experienced the devastating loss firsthand, Donovan Richards, understands the profound impact that gun violence can have on individuals, families, and communities. His dear friend Darnell Patterson, was taken far too soon at the age of 19. This serves as a constant reminder of the urgency of our work.

Today, Queensborough President extended his heartfelt gratitude to our Executive Director, K Bain, Kevin Livingston of 100 Suits, Erica Ford of Life Camp, and Lance Feurtado from King of Kings. These are the unsung heroes whose selfless actions and unwavering dedication make our neighborhoods safer and our futures brighter. As we express our gratitude to these remarkable leaders, let us also recommit ourselves to supporting their vital work. Whether through advocacy, donations, volunteering, or community engagement, each of us has a role to play in the fight against gun violence. Together, we can amplify their voices, expand their impact, and build a world where tragedies like the loss of Darnell and countless others become a thing of the past.


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