President Bidens joins K Bain and CCD to a Meeting at P.S. 111 Jacob Blackwell school

In February, CCD received an extraordinary honor – a call from the President of the United States, expressing a desire to meet with our Executive Director, K. Bain, and the CCD team in New York. The President's visit to P.S. 111 Jacob Blackwell School was a pivotal moment, as he witnessed firsthand the profound impact of our Human Justice programs on the children of the community. In a letter of commendation, President Biden acknowledged the transformative work of CCD, stating, "Your efforts are changing lives and healing communities, including the extraordinary work CCD has done with the students at the Jacob Blackwell School." His words reaffirmed the administration's commitment to supporting community violence intervention programs, assuring CCD of a steadfast partnership.

The recognition from President Biden served as a testament to the dedication and hard work of the entire CCD team. Throughout the year, we continued to celebrate successes, both big and small, as we witnessed the positive outcomes of our programs in communities across New York and the country. From mentoring initiatives to violence prevention efforts, each endeavor was guided by our unwavering commitment to promoting healing, empowerment, and resilience.

At the heart of CCD's mission is the belief in the power of communities to drive meaningful change. In 2021, we worked tirelessly to empower individuals and neighborhoods, providing resources, support, and opportunities for growth. Whether through educational workshops, community outreach events, or partnerships with local organizations, we sought to foster a sense of agency and belonging among those we serve.

As we look ahead to the future, we are filled with hope and determination. The successes of 2021 and the current year serve as a foundation upon which we will continue to build and innovate. With the support of our dedicated team, generous partners, and the communities we serve, we remain steadfast in our commitment to creating a more just, equitable, and compassionate world. As we embark on the journey ahead, we do so with gratitude for the past, optimism for the future, and a renewed commitment to our mission.

Thank you to everyone who has been a part of our journey. Together, we will continue to make a difference.


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